Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Switching Staff

I ended up in Box for the first time in ages last month. Regular readers will know that I used to go there on almost a nightly basis with Chris (you can read his blog by following the link here, or alternatively you can type ‘back-stabbing low-life’ into google).

It was the usual set-up and the usual good night to be had, but quite terribly, they have changed security company and, as a result, all the staff that work on the door. This is a total nightmare as now there will be no chance of wandering up after the 2am curfue and nonchalantly sauntering in. A real shame, as not only did this come in handy when I fancied a late night pint, but it is also makes you look pretty cool to the people you are with that thought the night was over. Nothing beats being able to get into bars after normal closing hours if you’re in Glasgow and looking to make new friends (which is handy as I’m currently in the market for one).

So there’s another small thing that I could use to impress people gone…this list seems to be getting increasingly smaller these days.

Still, if a woman is impressed more that I can get into a bar after 2am as opposed to my excellent stand-up style chat then maybe I should be thinking about a career change…