Thursday 12 April 2007

Talking in blogs

Following from yesterday’s post about my text message – the second text I received was from best friend and fellow blogger Chris.

I felt it was slightly scary that he replied in exactly the same way that I would have replied to receiving the text message in question. He wrote:

Is there any reason why we are saying random words?”

Now obviously, when I say that I would have replied exactly the same way – I mean I would have replied with six other random words – not the exact same words that Chris used. That would be frightening.

Perhaps it is a blog thing that causes us to think the same way. Posting every single day does change the way that you live your life.

For instance, whenever in conversation with someone or out in a social situation you are always thinking “maybe I could use this in my blog”.

In fact, I was pointing out to Chris the other day that we managed to have a conversation that was made up almost entirely out of an exchange of monologues. Essentially, we were unwittingly “talking in blogs”. Each of us were basically taking it in turns to do a 45 second spiel and then allowing the other to retort with a similar blog style reply…

What is happening to me?!

1 comment:

Ashley Frieze said...

Sounds like OCD. Relax about it. If you've something to say then say it. Don't obsess. Just write what's on your mind. If you mind is blank, then write about what you had for lunch. Or about the absence of lunch. Or the favourite lunch you ever had. Or why you don't like having lunch. What's wrong with lunch. How dare you diss the most important meal of the day. Right. That does it. I'm not reading you blog until you start eating lunch, like a proper man.

Though you can have salad if you're on a diet.

And read my blog - - it's even more self-interested than you could possibly imagine. And it has pictures of DIY jobs on it.