Wednesday 4 April 2007

A very lazy day

I was out last night for Chris’ birthday. He just turned 22 yesterday.

After a mad night, we ended up back at Chris’ flat watching a Richard Herring DVD, until Chris said he was going to the toilet and never came back downstairs. I like to think he had fallen in the bath…again…

As a result of last night, I’ve been taking today extremely easy. To my absolute delight, I awoke around 1230 to find that there were two episodes of Columbo on that haven’t yet been released on DVD (that doesn’t mean I haven’t seen them before – don’t be ridiculous!) and that took me up nicely to 5.30pm.

My plans for tonight are equally exciting (now you may read that previous sentence and mistake my genuine feeling of exhilaration as a sarcastic comment, I assure it is not) as channel 5’s Baseball is back on our screens (the ‘our’ in that sentence referring to other weird people like me that have their TV on from 1.30am til around 5am to watch a game where people try to hit a ball with a stick).

I first started watching baseball due to the strange hours that result from being a comic, where I frequently get home from a gig in the dead of night, still full of adrenaline and needing something to do.

However, it is now the case that I enjoy it so much I watch it whenever it is on. This really doesn’t help me get up in time for uni, or for work during the summer months.

I curse the damn time-zone thing this world has got going on. Maybe if God had taken his time - maybe taken 8 days instead of rushing the whole creation process in 7 - then I wouldn't have this problem and I could watch baseball at normal hours...

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