Thursday 29 March 2007

Exams v Herring

Today I saw my exam time-table for the first time. This was a very important moment, as I have 2 plans for days in the month of May that I was really hoping wouldn’t clash with any university exams.

The first of these was a trip to Berlin, which is right at the end of the month…no problem here at all.

The second was Richard Herring’s visit to The Stand in Glasgow with his show ‘Ménage a un’.

Now here we have a problem…

Any regular readers, or friends of mine, will know that I hold Richard Herring in a very high regard – in fact, he is the primary reason I have this web-page in the first place. The idea was taken from his daily blog Warming Up – which is infinitely more interesting than my one. (Please go and have a read at Richard’s blog, and hopefully then you can become regular readers of both Fascinating and Warming Up… do not ditch mine in favour of Richard’s superior blog though…he already has 3,000 readers a day and doesn’t really need any more).

So here is the problem – I have an exam on the 22nd, 24th and 25th of May. Richard’s gig is on the night of the 23rd.

This does not leave much time for studying and seeing as I am the type of person that likes to do things at the very last minute (I am currently only half-way through a mega essay that is due in under 11 hours now…) this does not bode well for seeing the gig and passing the exams.

I have a choice to make. A big decision that I am not sure I could make myself.

Where should I go for advice? Someone at the university will clearly tell me to concentrate on my exams, as will members of my family…I’m also not sure some of my (less comedy literate) friends will understand just how good this gig will be…

So I decided the best person to make the call would be Richard Herring himself.

I gave him an email explaining my horrible situation and I have complete faith he will be able to give me sound guidance in this matter!

I’ll let you know how this transpires – please give me a comment with your own advice – I’ll need all the help I can get!

And if you have a chance to see Richard Herring I really urge you to take it - having seen his previous shows I can highly recommend it as an excellent night out!


Miss G said...

Hi Andy,

With what you said, I think it'll be all right if you watch Richard's show coz from what i read in your blog, it seems that Richard's show is not the type to be missed..

however, about your exams, you can study on the 18th till 21st, and on the 23rd, bring along your 'reviewer' so just in case you have time, you can still review notes while watching the show.. or maybe, after the show, if you still have time, study. But most importantly, a nice sleep is needed for you to be able to answer your exams correctly..

I bookmarked your blog so tell me what happened to the show and your exam..


Miss G


By the way, i'm happy to know that we are of the same profession..

Chris Prigg said...

Go to Herring's show. My opinion is, of course, biased. I don't want to go on my own, and I don't think I will be able to find another Richard Herring fan to go with.

I also think I wont be able to convert anyone at such short notice.

I could, though, go on my own, dressed up as a talking dog with an elephant leg (or was that supposed to be elephant legs?) and a dragon cock, and sit in the front row.

Ashley Frieze said...

He's not going to be on all night. Take some study notes with you. Study before the show. Study after. Don't drink. Force yourself to achieve a certain amount of revision before being allowed to set off to The Stand... and... er... good luck.

Cam said...

Hi Andy,

I was a terrible student and am therefore in no way qualified to give advice, but this is the Internet so here goes:

You have to use this man's show like a carrot. Study like Billy O after the exam on the 22nd, even though your brain may be mince and you won't feel like it, imagine a juicy carrot dangling in front of your gnashers, coaxing you on. Get a decent kip and get up early on the 23rd and maintain discipline. When you lose focus, just picture said carrot glistening in the light of late spring, knowing that before long, it shall be yours.You want quality studying - no Colombo, no indoor golf tournaments with your flatmates or excessive lolling around in your w@nk chariot - short lunch (chipolatas instead of foot longs), essentially no mucking about. Evening of the 23rd go to the gig, behold the carrot, stroke the carrot, enjoy the carrot. Maybe use any contacts to give you an idea of when it's happening so that you don't waste much time hanging around. Don't drink much and don't stay out late.

Sorry, that ended up a bit verbose and may paint me as having an unhealthy interest in phalluses, for a paid up member of the married male Scottish community. Also, I'm not trying to insinuate that you are a donkey, not in a phallic way anyway.
