Wednesday 7 March 2007

Amsterdam Photo Tour (Part II)

Continuing with my photographic tour of Amsterdam - we move on to another couple of pictures.

As we all know, Amsterdam is full of canals - with some of the locals choosing to live on a boat as opposed to in a house. While this seems like quite a nice idea - being such a pessimist, I can't help but think of the disadvantages. Now anyone that has been robbed or burgled before will agree that it is one of the most infuriating scenarios in the world - especially if they trash your house in the meantime. But, most of my expensive things tend to be far too large to steal easily - such as a widescreen TV and desktop pc. What a great situation for a burglar if they could just steal your whole house, contents and all! While I can never be sure that I won't come home to a ransacked residence - I can safely say that when I come home, I will actually be coming home - even if the possessions previously inside had mysteriously vanished!

So why all this talk of house-boats and burglars? Well it's basically inspired by the following two photographs - shot at completely different times. The first picture shows a group of local Amsterdam tramps, that I snapped without their knowledge or consent! Don't worry, I think I'm safe with the assumption that they will never find out their picture is on the internet - unless they sleep in the doorway of PC World - but it's a chance I'm going to take. Just have a look at it - there are all the stereotypical tramp images. The dogs at the side, the carrier bag full of booze in the middle of the group, the guy on the far right (who although he lives in a city full of canals, looks like he hasn't seen water in a couple of years) and finally, the coup de gras, the bloke passed out in the middle of the grass. It was around 2pm and he was jaked out his nut...Amsterdam tramps, absolutely priceless! Please don't think I am associating all tramps with burglars, this is not the case, I merely thought that the bike on the left was far too big for the guy sitting on it and could be stolen - he may have however bought a larger than normal bike so that when he wore his ridiculously large Dutch clogs, his feet would rest perfectly on the pedals...

The second photo - quite simply this is the worst house-boat EVER! I have to think that my lads in the first photo would rather remain residentially inconvenienced than stoop to the level of this...I can't even find a word good enough...There's no more that can be said today after seeing that picture...just absolutely awesome...

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