Saturday 24 March 2007

Saturday can be renamed 'Steve&Daveday'

Last night I was gigging at Georgics for Purple Comedy Live. It was a real mixed-bag of a show, but a lovely audience and I had a fun time. I’m told the whole show will be available for download from the Purple Comedy site, so I’ll post the details when everything’s ready.

Tonight, I’m supporting Mark Nelson in his 1-man show: ‘Lowering The Tone’. It sold-out about 3 weeks ago and is going to be packed. Lots of pressure, but I’m really looking forward to it.

On a non-comedy festival note, over the past week, I have had several e-mails and people commenting to me about ‘Steve & Dave’. As a result, I am bowing to peer pressure and bringing them back. Every Saturday there will now be a new ‘Steve & Dave’.

So, to welcome them back…

1 comment:

Cam said...


Made it here via a post you made on chortle. As a fellow blogger I thought I'd leave a note. I've found it encouraging to get feedback that isn't from one of those deviants, using blogger to flog some random pish.

We have a few things in common. I'm interested in comedy. I'm a Scot, though I'm living on Sado Island (gag-a-go-go) in Japan, which is the equivalent of the Isle of Arran with rice instead of tatties. Many moons ago I also studied EEE, though I'm now teaching Scots English to unsuspecting Japanese school kids.

I'm with you on blog content, others may argue that I'm not, concerning punctuation and writing about something even remotely interesting. Good luck with the blog.
