Monday 26 March 2007

The Shed...

Well looks like some people have a read at this afterall - thanks to those that turned up at one of my gigs at the weekend.
For those that missed them, I’ll post my next run soon, however in the meantime, I will be on tomorrow night at The Canonsgait Bar in Edinburgh doing a headline set.
In other news - I am upset, scrap that, slightly annoyed, nope too strong, dissappointed maybe? that The Shed nightclub is now the "cool" place to go if you're middle class and a bit of a wanker. I remember heading there when it was scummy and used to get laughed at by all the private school bawbags - gone are the days...

I remember laughing and thinking it was great when the Shack burned down, but in hindsight, it did tend to keep a lot of morons in the one place - shame it didn't catch fire during business hours...

(I have just realised that this post is so inherently Glaswegian that anyone from anywhere else in the world will have no idea what I am talking about...which, may be a good thing, as today's entry isn't particularly funny/interesting anyway...)

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