Tuesday 27 March 2007

It's difficult to do the right thing...

Last night, Chris & I were out for a few drinks, discussing ideas, talking about the comedy festival, speculating about future blog entries and generally just keeping ourselves to ourselves…until we stepped outside.

While walking towards Chris’ car, we looked across the street to see some drunk guy ripping the wing mirrors off the parked cars on the other side of the road.

At this point, many thoughts ran through my mind, like: Why was he doing this? What could he possibly gain from this? Does he think this is funny? Does he think his peers will respect him more now that he has a bit of reflective glass that used to be on a Fiat Punto?

While the answers to this remained unanswered, I decided to voice my disgust by shouting at him, something along the lines of:

“What the hell do you think you are doing? That’s someone’s car!”

He seemed non-plussed and completely ignored me. This only fuelled my anger, prompting me to shout:

“Ho, fucktard…that’s not on!”

He took notice at this.

He turned and walked back towards us (still on the other side of the road) shouting “What the fuck do I care! I’m mental! Do you know who am ur?!” (this translates in non-scum talk as, “Do you know who I am?”)

I did not know who he was (I think this is a positive reflection on my character, as if I did, it probably would have meant I socialised in vehicle-vandalising circles or worked in the prison industry).

Now quite furious, the man grabbed a large sign (still on the other side of the road) and started trying to throw it. The sign was very big and chained to a lamppost, so all he really did was dislodge it slightly. Still, the point came across quite clearly – he was a nutter.

His friend then ran up to him (still on the other side of the road), in what Chris and I thought would be an attempt to pull him away, but instead of doing this, ran straight past him and straight for us.

Chris and I now felt slightly threatened – especially since they were both running towards us (no longer on the opposite side of the road). We felt that it was now a good time to leave, so Chris hit the fob on his key-chain that opened the doors to his car.

Jumping inside, we hastily put our seatbelts on and speeded off, with the 2 guys about 5 feet behind us.

After driving about 200 yards up the road there was a police car, so I jumped out and told the police officer (a gorgeous young lady, although it didn’t seem the appropriate setting for flirting, so I kept it purely business-like) what had happened. When she asked where they were now, I replied

“Somewhere down the street – couldn’t tell you exactly where as we ran away scared”

Something I definitely would not have said if I’d been thinking about pulling…

So the police car drove off and we jumped in the car, making our way home.

On the journey back, Chris and I discussed the incident and what a great blog entry it would make. Although if our assailants were to read it – this would do us no favours.

Although to be honest, I don’t believe someone who rips mirrors off cars spends his days reading. In fact he probably doesn’t have a computer…no wait…he probably does, and he probably stole it…

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