Thursday 1 March 2007

Dinner Parties...I'm getting old...

Last night I attended a dinner party hosted by one of my good friends that I have known for years. This made me realise just how old we are getting. It doesn't seem that long ago where a Wednesday night would have been spent with similar company smoking and drinking cheap cider in the park. (Maybe that should have read drinking cheap cider and also smoking cigarettes, although you would have to be pretty stupid to think I was implying I used to smoke cider. Although along similar lines, I was once in a bar where I asked for a Vodka & Coke and was given a water & Coke...the surprising thing was the barman didn't once question this mix, maybe it is me who is being stupid and water & Coke is the done thing at student unions...)

In other news from years gone by, clips have just recently been posted on Youtube from the show Dance Monkey Boy Dance, a sketch show that used to be at The Vault Comedy Club in Shawlands. Sadly The Vault is no longer around and Dance Monkey Boy Dance no longer do their sketch comedy anymore, but I'll be posting some of the sketches on here for you to look at. Today's offering is entitled "Fight Club". I remember this was the first time we went along to be extras in any of their sketches(our troup being known as The AVP), it was great fun and I hope you like it...

Oh and Dance Monkey Boy Dance, although no longer doing sketch comedy (and with a slightly altered line-up to the one you will see in the videos), are still doing their hillarious improv show on Monday nights at The Stand Comedy Club in Glasgow. This is well worth checking out!

1 comment:

Chris Prigg said...

My "tour de force" acting doesn't seem to show. Some good editing by Sandy there.